Dr. Ed Carriere

Dr. Carriere is board certified integrative internist who has been practicing in the Denver area for over 30 years. He graduated from Louisiana State medical school in 1990 completed his Internal medicine residency at St. Joseph's Hospital in Denver. He helped found a hospitalist company and was a practicing hospitalist for fifteen years, two of which serving as Chair of the Department of Medicine at Swedish hospital. Over the past ten years, Dr. Carriere has been pursuing self study and research into the root cause of disease and inflammation and most recently completed a two year integrative medicine fellowship at the University of Arizona school of medicine in Tucson under Dr. Andrew Weil in 2016.

He now splits his time between in-hospital consultations at Sky Ridge hospital, where he currently serves as the Chairman of the Department of Medicine, and an outpatient integrative medicine consultant and concierge private practice. Dr. Carriere combines evidence based complementary and alternative practices as well as evidence based herbal supplementation with traditional western medicine for the prevention prevention and treatment of disease. It is his philosophy that the body has the innate capability to heal itself given the right resources and fuel. The majority of all "disease" is manageable and treatable with diet and lifestyle modification. No matter what hand your genes have dealt you, whether you turn those genes on or off is up to you. What you eat, how you live, how you manage stress and even what you believe plays a role in this epigenetic process. Dr. Carriere's special interests include peri-operative spine and joint medicine (co founding the pre-op clinic at Sky Ridge hospital), autoimmune disease, integrative cancer therapies and disorders of the hypothalamic pituitary axis including hormones, thyroid and adrenal issues.

He enjoys mountain biking, hiking, and snowboarding especially with his wife and children. He is involved in youth scouting (he himself an Eagle Scout) and has had many years of volunteer experience for the National Western Stock show providing medical care to the bull and bronco riders. He speaks locally and nationally on varied integrative topics but most prominently on diet, nutrition, inflammation and cancer. Dr. Carriere is also on the active faculty of Rocky Vista University School of Medicine as well as clinical faculty at Skyridge Medical Center, providing lectures and resident rotations in Integrative Medicine. Optimal health can only be achieved only through constant vigilance of our dietary choices with avoidance of environmental and food based toxicants, daily movement, support of family and friends and a positive mental outlook.

In order to achieve, we must first be aware.


Get ready to tear down obstacles of the mind and body. We, at Integrative Medical Consultants, believe that getting yourself back to physical health means setting your own pace. So start your journey with us today.